Educational work of the Department of General Practice – Family Medicine

The educational work of the department is a priority area of its activity. The department provides training for students from 11 disciplines in Ukrainian and English and 2 in Ukrainian. The total amount of academic work is 23249 academic hours, of which 250 are allocated for lecture courses and 22791 for practical and seminar classes. The training of students at the department is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the typical programs of disciplines, approved by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and improved within the framework of the norms regulated by the staffs. Teaching of all disciplines of the department is carried out in accordance with the educational program.

The teaching process at the department is carried out with the use of modern multimedia and computer equipment, a sufficient number of visual materials with active involvement of students in the clinical and scientific work of the department, as well as with the use of innovative approaches to the educational process. In the course of the teaching activity at the department students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of modern medical and diagnostic equipment available to the department: ECG with study of heart rate variability - cardiointervalometry, digital x-ray apparatus for high quality imaging, digital fluorograph, ultrasound diagnostics.

Practical classes are conducted in conditions as close as possible to the real ones. Students, together with the teachers of the department, take part in clinical examination of patients, selecting and conducting therapeutic and diagnostic measures in specific clinical cases, participate in clinical debriefs, bypasses, symposia, consultations, and so on, gaining invaluable clinical and practical experience at the stage of teaching.

In the course of academic activity, the faculty members of the department select and prepare the best students for participation in the All-Ukrainian Olympiads, competitions, conferences, congresses and so on in the specific discipline, during which the students of the medical faculty annually occupy the prize places, are encouraged by certificates, are encouraged honors, etc.

Employees of the department annually actively participate in the professional orientation of future students, participating in all stages of the MAN of Shevchenkivskyi district of Kharkiv (section - "Medicine"), for their activities were repeatedly awarded with thank you letters.