Methodical work of the Department of General Practice – Family Medicine

The methodological work of the department is carried out on an ongoing basis, and its result is a complete methodological support of the disciplines of the department. The methodological materials prepared by the department are available to students electronically online, on the servers of the internal computer network of the medical faculty, in the electronic depository of the University, as well as in printed form.

The result of the methodological work of the department during its existence is the preparation of a team of 3 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 5 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 6 textbooks with the stamp of VN Karazin Kharkiv National University, 3 monographs, 5 textbooks, 39 teaching and methodological manuals and guidelines, including 15 - in English.

In all disciplines of the department, packages of methodological support, including work programs, calendar-thematic plans, methods of assessment of knowledge and skills of students, methodical recommendations for practical classes and for independent work of students, instructions for students in training in the conditions are developed and kept up to date. Bologna process, test and situational tasks database for current and final modular control of students' knowledge and abilities, checklists and recommended literature, then eat lectures and multimedia presentations and others.