Scientific work of the Department of General Practice – Family Medicine

The scientific work of the department is an integral part of its activities. Due to their researches and scientific activity, the departments’ staff recognized as scientific experts in their fields not only in Ukraine but also abroad.

The main directions of scientific research of the department are research scientific works. In recent years, have been implemented such research scientific work: "The study of clinical and pathogenesis mechanisms of undifferentiated dysplasia of connective tissue in remodeling elastic tissue structures of the human body" (code 0112u001027) and "Remodeling of elastic-tissue structures in early diagnosis of cardiac lesions in undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia in young people with dysmetabolic shifts" (code № 0116u002834). The prevalence of major risk factors for most common chronic non-infectious diseases has been established. The analysis of general clinical data, features of metabolic syndrome and concomitant pathology revealed that in young patients (17-44 years) with type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus and signs of undifferentiated dysplasia of connective tissue (UDCT) there is an increased risk of developing characteristic complications, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy and neuropathy increasesand the incidence of hypertension.

It is established that the development of hypertension in patients with metabolic syndrome in combination with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia occurs earlier, and almost independent of the duration of diabetes, higher hypertension observed in patients with visceral and skeletal signs undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia of UDCT in the pathogenesis of hypertension in patients with metabolic syndrome. It has been established that the major factor in the growth of fibroblasts FGF2 plays a significant role in the occurrence of hypertension in patients with metabolic syndrome, especially in the presence of phenotypic signs of UDCT.

Since 2019, the department has been conducting research on the theme: “Investigation of the cognitive mechanisms of selective attention at different stages of learning using a model object” (the registration number is 0119U103673). The mechanisms of selective attention during recognition of complex visual stimuli consisting of several dimensions and more or less similar to the rewarded stimulus are investigated. We use Rescorla-Wagner and Pearce models of learning with the help of computer simulation programs. Cognitive mechanisms of recognition of complex visual stimuli are studied to obtain the most productive result in the learning process by improving the ability of the perception of the educational material presented in the form of presentations.

The staff of the department takes part in the international scientific and educational program «Saving the health of young people – saving the nation» jointly with School of Public Health, Department of Medicine SUNY Medical Center (Brooklyn, NY). The program of development of the technology for improving the properties of drinking water in saprophytic contamination in order to prevent pathologic allegro-autoimmune conditions of communal environment is carried out with the Swedish Institute (SI, Stockholm).Development of technology for improving the properties of drinking water in saprophytic contamination in order to prevent pathologic allegro-autoimmune conditions of the working environment is carried out with Ferrexpo a Swiss headquartered resource company and "Poltava mining and processing enterprise" (PGOK, Ukraine, Poltava region, Gornji Plavni).

Since the reorganization of the department, the staff of the department received six PhD and MD degrees. In 2018, under the direction of Professor Evgene Y. Nikolenko the dissertation for a Candidate’s of Biological Sciences degree by specialіty: 03.00.13 – physiology of human and animals "Immunological and antioxidant changes in persons working under conditions of action of quartz-containing dust." of by assistant of department Pylypenko N. O. was defended. In 2019 – the dissertation for a Candidate’s of Medical Sciences degree by speciality 14.01.02 - internal diseases "Pathogenetic significance of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia in the development of arterial hypertension and nephropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus." by an assistant of the department of Sherstyuk L. L. was defended.

In recent years, the results of researches of the department staff are published in 12 articles of journals that have impact-factor and are included in the foreign scientometric database, in 180 articles in Ukrainian specialized issues and 43 articles in other publications.

Innovative approaches in researches confirmed by 28 patents and copyright certificates. Department organized and hold 34 scientific practical conferences, including 5 international. The staff of the department had 62 research reports on the conferences, congresses, symposiums, and forums, including 25 international.

The Department have scientific cooperation with: Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Department of General Practice – Family Medicine and the Department of Occupational Health and Occupational Pathology), State Enterprise "L.I. Medved's Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety" of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Kiev, Department of General Hygiene), L. T. Malayа Institute of Therapy of NAMS of Ukraine, State Institution “V. Danilevsky Institute for Endocrine Pathology Problems of National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine”, City Student Hospital number № 20, "Kharkiv Municipal Polyclinic № 5", "Kharkiv City Municipal Polyclinic № 26", polyclinic department of Children Clinic Hospital № 1, Kharkiv Regional Medical-Sports Dispensary, Department of Life Safety and Civil Defense of NTU "KPI". With all of this intuition, the agreements on the exchange of experience, scientific cooperation and joint scientific research were signed.

An integral part of the scientific work of the Department is the organization of student scientific circles, which are the structural units of the Scientific Community of Students, postgraduates and young scientists of the School of Medicine and this direction is guide by MD, Professor E. Y. Nikolenko the Head of the Department. The students of the Department scientific circle together with staff actively involved in clinical parsing, scientific conferences, congresses, forums, symposiums and research.

At the initiative of student scientific circle of the department 19 scientific and practical conferences, including 3 international were organized, on this conferences students had an opportunity to demonstrate the results of their own research.