Department of Neurology, Psychiatry, Nacrology and Medical Psychology

Today, the Department of Neurology, Psychiatry, Nacrology and Medical Psychology is one of the leading in Ukraine. The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department is represented by highly qualified specialists. The department conducts educational and methodical work using innovative approaches and presenting the results of modern scientific research at a high level.

At the Department of Neurology, Psychiatry, Nacrology and Medical Psychology the study of the main clinical disciplines, which are combined into one group of "neuroscience", is carried out. In modern medicine, especially after the “decade of the brain” announced by many countries and international organizations of the last decade of the twentieth century, the concept of “neuroscience” has become widely used, which underlines their great medical and social significance.

Great success has been associated with neuroscience in expanding knowledge about the nature and pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of neurological and mental diseases, embodiment of lifetime research of brain structures, the latest biochemical, radioimmunological and neurophysiological research in clinical practices, studying the mechanisms of action of psychotropic substances, etc.

Phenomena that ensure the functioning of the nerve cell, intercellular connections and the interaction of brain structures were studied. All this made it possible to significantly expand the understanding of the processes occurring in the nervous system and which are important for its functioning, not only in normal conditions, but also in pathology. The result was the emergence of new methods of diagnosis and treatment of neurological and mental diseases.

Detailed information about the Department can be obtained by download of the information leaflet:

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