Scientific work of the Department of Hygiene and Social Medicine

The scientific workof the Department is an integral part of its activities.

Since the foundation of the Department, the department's staff has defended 3 doctoral theses and 5 candidate theses.

The results of their own research staff of the Department during its existence reflected in the 17 monographs, 84 articles indexed in the scientometric databases SCOPUS and Web of Science, 322 articles in national and foreign specialized journals, 379abstracts of reports in other journals. Innovative approaches in research confirmed 21 patents and copyright certificates.

Department organized and held 29 scientific conferences, including 16 International ones. Reports on the results of its own research staff of the Department participated in 62 conferences, congresses, symposiums, forums, etc., including 27 International.

Scientific Contacts of Department on the exchange of experience, scientific cooperation and joint scientific research has established with University of Barcelona (Spain), Roma University (Italy), University of Aberdeen (UK).

The part of the scientific work of the Department is the organization of student scientific circle, which is the structural units of the Scientific Community of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists of the School of Medicine. Students scientific circle of the Department together with staff of the Department are actively involved in clinical and scientific conferences, congresses, forums, symposiums and research, the results of which are published as 61 abstracts of reports, 10 articles in specialized professional publications, including 1 article indexed in the SCOPUS scientometric database.

Students of the Research Student Scientific Circles of the Department organized and conducted 16international scientific conferences during which students presented the results of their researches.