The scientific work of the Department is an integral part of its activities. Scientists who work in the Department are well-recognized experts in their fields, not only in Ukraine, but also abroad.
The Department performs the following research: Study of features and optimization of execution of splenectomy in the treatment of hematological patients (UDC 616.411-089.85:616.151.5(043.3).
Since the founding of the Department of Surgical Diseases in February 1994 by members of the Department under the direction of professor E. D. Khvorostov more than 350 scientific articles and abstracts, 1 monograph have been published, 15 patents of Ukraine for invention and utility model have been received.
Since the foundation of the Department, the staff of the Department has been defended 7 candidates and 2 doctoral dissertations.
Department staff is active members of different scientific and public health organizations of the world.
An integral part of the scientific work of the Department is the organization of student scientific groups, which is the structural unit of the Scientific Community of Students, postgraduates, doctoral students and junior researchers of the School of Medicine. Students scientific circle of the Department together with the staff of the Department are actively involved in clinical parsing and formal care conferences, scientific conferences, congresses, forums, symposiums and research, the results of which are published articles in specialized journals, including foreign ones.