Olexander I. Minko

Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Department

Research interests: treatment of mental and behavioral disorders based on evidence-based medicine, comorbid disorders, prediction of the course of addiction states

Post address: Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazina, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology, Room No. 10, str. Akademika Pavlova, 46, m. Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61068.

E-mail: a.minko@karazin,ua

Phone number: +38 050 302 34 13

Bibliographic profile ResearchGate

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Bibliographic profile ORCID

Bibliographic profile SCOPUS

Discipline: psychiatry, narcology

Additional information: author and co-author of 342 printed scientific works, including 17 monographs, reference books, training manuals and textbooks (in particular, Psychiatry and Narcology: textbook / H.M. Kozhyna, T.S. Mishchenko, N.O. Maruta, O.I. Minko et al. 2021 , 352p, ISBN: 978-617-505-868; Clinical recommendations for providing medical care to patients with neurological, mental and behavioral disorders / edited by Professor P.V. Linskyi: Publisher D.V ., 2021. — 376 p.(Clinical protocol of tertiary (highly specialized) medical care for patients with alcohol dependence; Clinical protocol of tertiary (highly specialized) medical care for tobacco smoking) ISBN 978-966-2571-18-9;national textbook "Sleep: norm and pathology" edited by V.V. Ogorenko, N.O..Maruta, O.O.Khaustova / Dnipro, LIRA, 2024). Deputy Chairman of the Specialized Scientific Council D64.566.01 at the State University "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology named after P.V. Voloshin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"; Member of the editorial board of the journals "Ukrainian Herald of Psychoneurology" and "SSP Modern Pharmacy and Medicine (Estonia)