Valeriy N. Kuzminov

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant, Senior Researcher Leading Researcher of the Department of Emergency Psychiatry and Narcology of the State Institution "NAMS of Ukraine named after P.V. Voloshyn"

Scientific interests: Emergency conditions in psychiatry and narcology, psychotic disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances, clinical trials

Postal address: Kharkiv, st. Akademika Pavlova 46,


Phone: 380(67)5783161

Bibliographic profile ResearchGate

Bibliographic profile Google Scholar

Bibliographic profile ORCID

Discipline: psychiatry, narcology

Additional information: the author (co-author) of more than 170 scientific publications, including monographs, reference books, textbooks, 8 inventions. Participates in congresses, symposiums, conferences, both in Ukraine and abroad. Is a member of the Academic Council of the State Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology named after P.V. Voloshin of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.