Methodical work of the Department of General and Clinical Pathology

The Department holds its own recommendations to all delivering courses and they are frequently updated. Thus all courses have developed set of program, schedule, student’s skills and knowledge evaluation criteria, methodical recommendations for practical lessons and student’s self-education, guidelines for students regarding learning according to Bologna Process, bases of test and situational tasks for the current and final module control of knowledge and skills of students, checking questions and lists of recommended reading, texts of lectures and multimedia presentations, etc.

The Department constantly publishes course reviews and textbooks to enhance the knowledge level and to make easier student’s access to learning materials in all department’s courses. Furthermore, results of our research are included into learning materials.

The results of our curriculum development are publication of one textbook with approval from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 5 monographs, 68 textbooks, 57 review courses, including 26 in English language.

During last academic year, our school developed 38 course materials, 18 of them are in Russian language and 20 – in English language. The School got particular attention to developing student’s book in Human Anatomy and Pathomorphology. In addition, course materials for students in English language were prepared such as Album (student’s book in Human Anatomy course for module 1) and the set of course material/Album (student’s book in Histology course for module 3). Moreover, our school accomplished developing of course materials in General and Clinical Pathomorphology and Pathological Physiology in Ukrainian and English language.

Educational materials for Histology, Cytology and Embryology course and student’s book have been reviewed and supplemented with new information. New set of flash-cards in General Histology course for module 2 is developed.

All our educational course materials are certified and recommended for adopting in teaching process by Educational and Methologocal Committee of University.

Our school develops and widely uses in teaching digital copies of course materials, including digital visuals for practical lessons. The website of our department is regularly updated.

Our school continuously updates knowledge by sharing new information during seminars and curriculum development meetings. Our Head of the Department plays the main role in in scientific and methodological conferences and seminars, including Ukrainian. In addition, the Head organizes work on improving the methodological quality of teaching of disciplines.