Scientific work – on the waves of scientific progress

Scientific work of School of Medicine of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University is an integral part of its activity. The scientific and pedagogical staff of School of Medicine, thanks to their researches, is recognized as leading experts in the branches of medical science not only in the territory of Ukraine but also abroad.

Structural divisions of School of Medicine perform the following research works:

  • "The use of fullerene C 60 and cryopreserved cord of blood serum in the treatment of myocardial necrosis (experimental study)";
  • "Development and research of system of automatic control of variability of a warm rhythm in cardiological practice";
  • "Drug therapy of patients with implanted pacemakers";
  • "Practical aspects of using electromagnetic radiation in medicine and agriculture";
  • "Develop effective technologies of treatment and immunorehabilitation ofsickly children with lymphadenopathy syndrome and immunoprevention of infectious diseases";
  • "The role of immune, autoimmune and metabolic disorders in the pathogenesis and outcomes of infection caused by the herpes viruses";
  • "To study influence of medico-social factors on formation of health of academically capable children of middle school age";
  • "To develop hygienic actions for prevention of diseases of teenagers at their professional self-determination";
  • "Pathological anatomy of individual systems of fetuses and newborns of mothers with complications of pregnancy";
  • "Pathological features of formation of the fetus and newborn under the influence of pathology mother";
  • "Studying of heterogeneity of metabolic and immune violations and carrying out their correction before and after a timektomiya at patients with a myasthenia";
  • "New technologies in treatment of diabetes mellitus";
  • “To study features of pathogenesis of transitory pain in a back at circadian rhythms";
  • "To investigate prevalence of transitory pain in a back among lecturers and scientists in the city of Kharkiv";
  • "Pathological anatomy of immune system of the person is under the influence of autoimmune diseases";
  • "To improve the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori-associated gastroduodenal diseases among teenagers";
  • "The importance of intracellular pathogens in infectious diseases in children";
  • "Identify the features of the mechanisms of formation of hypertension in obese adolescents";
  • "To define mechanisms of formation of diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle of heart at teenagers with myocardium pathology";
  • "Studying of questions of psychodiagnostics, etiopatogenez, clinical features, currents, prevention and treatment of mental and behavioral disorders";
  • "Studying of features and optimization of use of a splenektomiya at treatment of hematologic patients";
  • "Studying of clinically – pathogenetic mechanisms of development of an undifferentiated dysplasia of connecting fabric and remodeling of elastic and fabric structures of an organism" and others.

Scientific and pedagogical staff of Departments is collaborators of a number of the international scientific researches in the field of pharmacology, therapy, cardiology, pediatrics, surgery and others.

From the moment of revival of School of Medicine in 1992 its stuff have defended more than 75 candidate and 15 doctoral dissertations. Currently more than 60 master's and 12 doctoral theses are planned and executing by stuff of School of Medicine.

Results of research works of staff of School of Medicine from the moment of its revival in 1993 are displayed more than in 150 articles in magazines which have an impact-factor and enter foreign scientometric bases, more than in 2000 articles in domestic specialized publications, more than 2000 articles in other publications. The innovative approaches used in scientific researches of School of Medicine of Karazin University are confirmed with about 200 patents and copyright certificates.

The School of Medicine is the organizer of 150 scientific and practical conferences, including 58 – international. The staff of facultywith reports on the results of their own research took part more than in 500 conferences, congresses, symposiums, forums, etc., including about 200 – international.

The School of Medicine closely cooperates colleagues from Kharkiv and Ukraine as well as from other countries. Contracts on exchange of experience, scientific cooperation and carrying out joint research works with the following research and clinical establishments are signed:

  • Kharkiv City Prenatal Center,
  • V. I. Grishchenko Clinic of Reproductive Medicine,
  • University of Aberdeen (UK),
  • IBM Academic Initiative (USA),
  • University of Barcelona (Spain),
  • Roma University (Italy),
  • Institute of Microbiology and Immunology n.a. I. I. Mechnikov AMS Ukraine,
  • Institute of Backbone and Joints Pathology n.a. professor M. I. Sitenko,
  • V. Т. Zaytsev Institute of the General and Urgent Surgery of NAMS of Ukraine,
  • NATO,
  • MCVB (Australia),
  • WSPID (South Africa),
  • The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology (Japan),
  • Ukrainian NDI of Social and Judicial Psychiatry and Narcology of The Ministry of Health of Ukraine,
  • A. I. Meshchaninov Kharkiv City Clinical Hospital of Ambulance and Emergency Medical Service,
  • Swedish Institute (Sweden),
  • School of Public Health (Department of Medicine SUNY Medical Center, USA),
  • The Kharkiv Medical Academy of post degree education,
  • National Medical Academy of post degree Education,
  • Institute of Therapy of NAMS of Ukraine of L. T. Mala,
  • National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute" and others.

Integral part of scientific work of the Medical Department is the organization of work of student scientific circles, which are structural divisions of Scientific Community of Students, graduate students, doctoral candidates and young scientists of department. For years of existence community 12 conferences with the international participation are held by members of Scientific, more than 150 articles and theses are published, close scientific contacts with scientific organizations of all medical Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine of the near and far abroad are established.