Clinical bases of the Department of Internal Medicine

Clinical bases of the Department of Internal Medicine are the lead agency of the health system of Ukraine, known for its scientific and clinical potential far beyond Ukraine:

1) Kharkiv railway clinical hospital №1 of the branch "Center of healthcare" of public joint stock company "Ukrainian Railway": leading medical diagnostic, organizational-methodological and scientific-practical center of Ukrainian railways in neurology, cardiology, neurosurgery, cardiovascular surgery and psychiatry. The ranges of care are from acute stage to rehabilitation, as well as providing a full examination and clarification of diagnosis for the purpose of medical labor examination for the railway workers of Ukraine.

Address: lane. Balakirev, 5, Kharkov, 61018, Ukraine

Website of the hospital

Location map

Directions: from the metro station "Radjanska" bus number 20; from the metro station "Uniwersytet" bus number 33 trolleybus №18; from the metro station "Piwdennyj woksal" bus number 277; from the metro station "Herojiw Prazi" bus number 17, 55, 263.

2) Municipal non-profit Enterprise "City Polyclinic № 24" of the Kharkiv City Council: clinic consists of four medical departments where organized not only outpatient care for patients, but also day care centers and hospitals at home. Senior students have the opportunity, together with the doctors of the institution involved in the diagnosis, selection of diagnostic procedures and optimal treatments for evidence-based medicine. Highly qualified personnel and modern equipment allow high-quality primary and secondary prevention of many states in internal medicine.

Address: Str. Poltavskij Shljakh, 153, Kharkov, Ukraine

Location map

Directions: any urban transport to the metro station "Cholodna hora".

In clinical sites conducted lectures, practical and laboratory classes, clinical reviews with the participation of students, is the formation of practical skills and consolidation of theoretical knowledge.

Clinical work of the Department of Internal Medicine conducted by employees of the department at clinical sites with the involvement of students in the study of relevant disciplines.

A common practice is a multimedia clinical reviews that prepares by students with the support of teachers and after the presentation on clinical conferences are published on the website of the Department, in the depository of the University and in the form of articles in professional medical journals of Ukraine.