The staff of the Department of Pediatrics includes a doctor of medical sciences, a senior researcher; 11 candidates of medical sciences, who have the title of associate professor of pediatrics. as an assistant of the department 7 people.
The high quality of education is provided by many years of experience and strong potential of the teaching staff of the department. The specific of the department is the teaching of certain disciplines by specialists in each branch of pediatrics.This is ensured by the multidisciplinary professional training of teachers.
Lecturers of Department:
Natalia Stanislavivna Shevchenko
Кашіна-Ярмак Вікторія Леонідівна
Раковська Людмила Олександрівна
Крутенко Наталія Володимирівна
Череднікова Тетяна Юріївна