Educational work of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Educational work of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is one of the priority directions of its activity. The Department conducted a study of students in 3 subjects in Ukrainian and English.

The training of students in the Department is carried out in accordance with the recommendations model programs and courses, approved MOH and MES and improved within a regulated norms of the groups. The teaching of all disciplines of the Department is conducted in accordance with recommendations and regulations of the Bologna process.

The educational process at the Department is carried out with the use of modern multimedia and computer equipment, a sufficient number of visual AIDS with the active involvement of students in clinical and scientific work of the Department, as well as with the use of innovative approaches to the educational process (online counseling for students, discussions with students on various issues in voice and text chat, remote control prepare students for the licensing examination STEP, etc.).

In the process of educational activity at the Department, students have the opportunity to see the work of modern diagnostic and treatment equipment at the disposal of the Department.

Practical classes are conducted in conditions as close to real. Students together with instructors of the Department participate in clinical studies of patients who participate in clinical analysis, consultations, rounds, medical and Metropolitan conferences, receiving at the stage of learning invaluable clinical and practical experience.

Special attention in the process of educational activity devoted to preparing students for the license test exam step 2, which is carried out with the analysis of test tasks all available databases and banks of tests specifically designed for the School of Medicine of software, computer labs and multimedia equipment, Internet systems remote training and control of knowledge, face-to-face and online counseling educators to prepare for step 2 during the whole period of the study subjects with a uniform distribution of load test on students. The effectiveness of preparing students for "Step 2" disciplines is confirmed by the results of the examination for which the School of Medicine annually holds a leading ranking position among the medical universities of Ukraine.

In teaching lecturers of disciplines select and prepare the best students for participation in all-Ukrainian olympiads, competitions, conferences, congresses, etc. on the specific discipline in which medical students annually win prizes and are encouraged diplomas, commendations, certificates, insignia, etc.