Clinical bases of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Clinical bases of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology are the leading agencies of health of Ukraine, known for its scientific and clinical potential far beyond Ukraine:

Kharkiv City Perinatal Center, which is a specialized Agency for the Provision of Medical Care for premature delivery in pregnancy, premature babies and treatment of miscarriage.

Gryshchenko Clinic-IVF is a modern health care facility that provides a full range of services for effective diagnosis and treatment of all types of female and male infertility.

The Kharkiv Region Students Hospital. Is a modern multidisciplinary health care facility providing medical care on 3 levels. Primary 14 primary health care and 9 health units located in universities, which is a complex of preventive and anti-epidemic measures, receiving primary care. Secondary – in the clinic for 3 thousand visits per day, where physicians are all kinds of preventive and curative care, including clinical examination, and conducted all necessary diagnostic tests. Tertiary hospital with 180 beds for students and 60 beds for liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. The hospital provides medical care to the 26 students of Higher Educational Institutions III-IV accreditation levels of state ownership with the forces of 866 employees, including physicians in 34 specialties.

Kharkiv City Clinical Hospital №13. In the structure of the institution includes outpatient and inpatient departments. Stacionarnoe the Department has 305 beds. The outpatient Department is accepting all major medical specialties. The Clinic has a day hospital with 42 beds, which can receive treatment patients medical, neurological and surgical profiles.

At clinical sites conducted lectures, practical and laboratory classes, clinical analysis with the participation of students, formation of practical skills and consolidation of theoretical knowledge. Members of the Student Scientific Circles of the Department take an active part in scientific researches, which are based on the clinical bases of the Department.

Clinical work of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology conducted by Department staff at the clinical sites with the involvement of the students during the study of relevant disciplines.