Scientific work of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Immunology

The scientific work of the department is an integral part of its activities. Thanks to their research, employees of the department are recognized experts in their fields, not only in Ukraine, but also abroad.

The department carries out three research:

1) «The role of immune, autoimmune and metabolic disorders in the pathogenesis of the infectious process caused by bacteria, viruses, virus-bacterial associations in the acute, protracted and chronic course of the disease and the optimization of their treatment» №0117UС04874.

The main directions of scientific research of the department are immunological aspects of infectious and somatic diseases.

Since the founding of the department the staff defended 15 candidate and 3 doctoral dissertations. Currently at the Department there are 3 candidate and 1 doctoral dissertations planned and executed.

During the department existence the results of its staff own research are displayed in 20 articles published in journals that have impact factor and are included in the foreign scientometric base and more than 300 articles in domestic specialized publications. Innovative approaches in research are confirmed by 20 patents and copyright certificates.

The faculty organized and carried out more than 20 scientific and practical conferences, including 18 International.Staff of the departmentreported the results of its own research in 50 conferences, congresses, symposiums, forums, etc., including 25 International.

Scientific and clinical contacts of the Department are established with MechnikovInstitute of Microbiology and Immunology of National Academy of medical sciences of Ukraine. An agreement on the exchange of experience, scientific cooperation and joint scientific research was signed there.

The integral part of the scientific work of the department is the organization of student scientific clubs, which are the structural units of the Scientific community of students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists of the Medical Faculty. Students of scientific clubs of the Department together with staff of the department are actively involved in clinical and scientific conferences, congresses, forums, symposiums and research. As a result more than 5 articles in specialized publications were published.

Students of the research scientific clubs of the department organized and conducted 6 scientific conferences, 2 of which were international, where students presented the results of their researches.