Logistic of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Immunology

Equipment and technical support of the department is at the highest level and fully complies with international standards.

Lectures are held in lecture halls equipped with multimedia systems and computers connected to the internal network of the University and to the Internet.

For practical and seminar classes there are classrooms equipped with multimedia systems, personal computers with access to the University network and the Internet, video and television equipment, microscopes, laboratory equipment and demonstration materials and other classrooms are located in the MechnikovInstitute of Microbiology and Immunology of National Academy of medical sciences of Ukraine and the department of medical databases.

At the training sessions on the disciplines of the department laboratory equipment, a colorimeter, centrifuge, personal computers, Microscope "Primo Star", microscopes "MICRROmed", television, video and multimedia equipment, visual aids, thematic tables are applied.