The School of Medicine of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University uses distance learning technologies to train world-class doctors, which support and supplement full-time forms of education and provide new opportunities for students and teachers.
The distance education server works for the medical students, created by the Institute of Postgraduate and Distance (remote) Education of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and is available on the link. The distance courses of the School of Medicine include teaching and learning materials, test items to prepare for license integrated exams KROK-1 and KROK-2, videos, presentations to lectures and practical lessons, materials for individual work of students and others.
The system of training for the license integrated examinations KROK-1 and KROK-2 in two languages was created and implemented. Distance preparation for exams, online students advising by teachers and supervisors, control of training students with automatic results registration are possible.
Moreover, among the distance courses of the School of Medicine, which are available at the link above, disciplinary courses, which are actively used in the study of certain subjects, are marked, it greatly expands the possibilities to improve the quality of education. For example, in distance disciplinary courses students have an opportunity to gain access to online conversations with teachers, videos, presentations, methodological materials, additional literature, educational content and also estimate the quality of training on specific topics and sections of disciplines.It can significantly reduce the time spent on this activity in practical classes and pay more attention to the development of theoretical material and practical skills during classroom work. Development of new distance courses and the improvement of existing ones are permanent at the School of Medicine.
Personalized logins and passwords are provided to students by teachers of academic disciplines and curators to access the server of distance education.