Student work is the priority No. 1

Educational work of School of Medicine of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University is one of the priority directions of its activity. Educating students is carried out in Ukrainian, Russian (for Russian-speaking foreign students) and English.

Education of students is held in accordance with the recommendations of typical programs of disciplines approved by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Its improved within regulated standards by Cathedral teams. Teaching all disciplines is carried out according to the recommendations and regulations of Bologna Process.

The educational process is realized with the use of modern multimedia and computer technology, sufficient amount ofevident materials with active involvement of students to clinical and scientific work of Departments, and also with application of innovative approaches to carry out the educational process (online consultation for students, discussion with students of various questions in a voice and text chat, remote control of training of students for license examination of KROK, etc.).

In the course of educational activity at School of Medicine students are able to experience the modern medical and diagnostic equipment which is provided by clinical bases of School and University Departments. Practical trainings are carried in conditions which are more closed to the real ones. Students together with instructors of Departments take part in clinical examination of patients, in a choice and carrying out therapeutic and diagnostic procedures in specific clinical situations, participate in clinical reviews, symposia, formal care conferences, etc.

Particular attention in the learning process of students is given to preparing for the license test examinations of KPOK 1 and 2 which are carried out with the analysis of tests of all available databases and forms of tests, specifically designed for School of Medicine of the software, computer classes and multimedia equipment, Internet system of distance preparation and control knowledge level, full-time and on-line counseling by lecturers of questions in preparation for KROK during the entire period of the study subjects with an even distribution of the test load for students.

The high level of training of medical students for examinations of KROK is confirmed by their results by which School of Medicine annually holds the leading rating positions among medical universities of Ukraine.

During educational activity the best students are selected and prepared by instructors of Departments to take part in All-Ukrainian Olympiads, competitions, conferences, congresses, etc. in a specific discipline where medical students every year win prizes every year and are encouraged with diplomas, thanks, certificates, distinctions and others.