
November 20, 2016

Lecturers of the School of Medicine - participants of the roundtable "Immunology of viral diseases"

Lecturers of the School of Medicine - participants of the roundtable "Immunology of viral diseases"

On November 17th, 2016 the lecturers of the Department of General and Clinical Immunology and Allergology of the School of Medicine of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor T. I. Lyadova, Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor O. V. Volobueva and Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor O. V. Gololobova participated in the roundtable "Immunology of viral diseases". The event was dedicated to the treatment of acute and chronic forms of herpes and HPV infections, chronic viral hepatitis B and C. The doctors of different specialties: infectiologists, immunologist, obstetricians-gynecologists, oncogynaecologist, dermatologists and others took part in the discussion.

During the meeting, reports on the effectiveness of immunotherapy of chronic viral liver diseases, treatment of dysplastic cervical processes in the case of verification of oncogenic strains of HPV infection were presented.

Summarizing the information presented during the roundtable discussion and issues during the discussion of the reports, the participants concluded that immunotherapy should be one of the priority strategies in the complex therapy of chronic viral diseases.