
November 8, 2022

Training "X-ray diagnostics in the dental practice" (continuous professional development event)

From November 7 to November 11, 2022, the Department of Dentistry of the Faculty of Medicine will conduct the training "X-ray diagnostics in the dental practice" for dentists (pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, orthopedic dentistry, dentistry, therapeutic dentistry, surgical dentistry, maxillofacial surgery).

October 18, 2022

Training "Organizational principles of prevention of medical and legal conflicts in the provision of dental care and services" (continuous professional development event)

On October 17-21, 2022, the Department of Dentistry of the Faculty of Medicine will conduct the training "Organizational principles of prevention of medical and legal conflicts in the provision of dental care and services" for dentists (pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, orthopedic dentistry, dentistry, therapeutic dentistry, surgical dentistry, maxillofacial surgery).

September 27, 2022

Training "Basic course on the use of articulators and facial arches in dentistry" (continuous professional development event)

From September 26 to September 30, 2022, the Department of Dentistry of the Faculty of Medicine will conduct the training "Basic course on the use of articulators and facial arches in dentistry" for dentists (pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, orthopedic dentistry, dentistry, therapeutic dentistry, surgical dentistry, maxillofacial surgery).

September 23, 2022

International scientific and practical conference "Modern trends and prospects for the development of dental education, science and practice"

Dear colleagues! We have invite you to take part in the international scientific and practical conference "Modern trends and prospects for the development of dental education, science and practice", 22.09. - 23.09.2022 in the mixed format (live on the basis of V.N. Karazin KhNU and online on the ZOOM platform).

September 20, 2022

Training "Rational method of preparation hard tissues of teeth during various types rehabilitation of a dental patient" (continuous professional development event)

On 19.09-23.09.2022, the Department of Dentistry of the Faculty of Medicine will conduct the training "Rational method of preparation hard tissues of teeth during various types rehabilitation of a dental patient" for dentists (pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, orthopedic dentistry, dentistry, therapeutic dentistry, surgical dentistry, maxillofacial surgery ).

April 14, 2022

XIX International scientific conference of Students, Young Scientists and Specialists “Topical Issues of Modern Medicine”

Dear colleagues! We are pleased to announce, that the registration for participation in the XIX International Scientific Conference of Students, Young Scientists and Specialists "Topical Issues of Modern Medicine" is open!

February 24, 2022

Scientific-practical conference of young scientists "Current Issues in Pediatrics"

Dear colleagues! We invite you to take part in the 7th annual scientific-practical conference of young scientists on topical issues of pediatrics "Current Issues in Pediatrics", which will be held on February 24, 2022 in mixed format (live on the basis of SI "IOZDP NAMNU" and online on ZOOM platform).

February 22, 2022

Online meeting of the Ukrainian-language student circle of the Department of Internal Medicine

We invite you to the online meeting of the Ukrainian-speaking student group, which will take place on February 22, 2022 at 17:00.

February 22, 2022

Online meeting of the student circle of the Department of Internal Medicine

An online meeting of the Department of Internal Medicine student scientific group on the topic «Clinical case of acute myeloblastic leukemia with t(8;21)(q22;q22) in a patient with Klinefelter's syndrome» will be held for medical students on 22.02.2022 at 13:30.

December 24, 2021

Karazin charity winter ball!

On December 24, 2021, at the Karazin University, at the initiative of the Student Council, the traditional Karazin Charitable Winter Ball will be held, which has always been a bright event of university life, filling it with choreographic performances, vocal numbers and orchestra playing. This year the funds raised will be used to purchase a hematology analyzer for Kharkiv City Clinical Hospital № 7.

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