
October 5, 2022

Graduates of the School of Medicine - clinical residents in the specialty "Surgery"

Graduates of the School of Medicine - clinical residents in the specialty "Surgery"

Six graduates of the School of Medicine of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University entered clinical residency at the Postgraduate Education Center. Despite the state of war and the armed aggression of the russian federation, our graduates undergo intensive practical training on the basis of the communal non-commercial enterprise "Krasnograd Central District Hospital", which is the clinical base of the Department of Surgical Diseases.

In the photo, Yusup Khanaliyev, a graduate of the School of Medicine in 2022, who every day under the guidance of the curator, Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor Oleksandr M. Kudrevych performs up to ten operative interventions every day.

Postgraduate education at the School of Medicine of Karazin University works despite the war!