
October 19, 2018

Another meeting of the Students’ Scientific Society of the Department of the Human anatomy

Another meeting of the Students’ Scientific Society of the Department of the Human anatomy

The fifth seminar of human anatomy was held on October 08, 2018 for English speaking students. This seminar included topics about immune protection of organism.

The main topics of the reports were: «Relationship between tissue fluid and lymph definition, function, similarities», speaker: Nwobite Gold Maureen (group ВA-203), «Swollen lymph nodes of neck location, causes, test and treatment», speaker: Iez Aldin Ali (group ВA-207), «Paraaortic lymph nodes anatomy, diagram and function», speaker: Abhishek Sehrawat (group ВA-216), «Thoracic lymph nodes. Topographyanddrainage», speaker: Garima (group ВA-228).

Photo Reports: